Community Guidelines

Community rules and guidelines

Radware Ltd. (together with its affiliates, “Radware”) created and maintains Radware Customer Community (the “Community”) at Radware Link Portal (the “Portal”) to enable Radware’s customers and partners to interact on professional matters related to Radware’s business, ask questions, collaborate, expand knowledge, and share insights and ideas. These Community Guidelines (the “Guidelines”) are provided to ensure a standard of behavior that is expected within the Community and to create a safe, respectful, pleasant and professional environment.

These Guidelines govern your use of the Community. By accepting these Guidelines and/or by using the Community you agree to be bound by the Guidelines. If you do not agree to these Guidelines, you are not authorized to use the Community. If you use the Community on behalf of a company, organization, or other entity, then: “you” includes you and that entity, and you represent and warrant that you are an authorized representative of such entity with the authority to bind the entity to these Guidelines and that you agree to these Guidelines on the entity’s behalf.

Note: These Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Radware Website (available at and Radware’s Privacy Policy (available at, which apply, among others, to the Portal and the Community. Accordingly, these Guidelines are provided on top and in addition to such terms.

1.         Guidelines.

·      Be respectful, kind and courteous. You should always conduct yourself in a responsible and respectful manner. Feedback, open discussion, healthy debates and different viewpoints are welcome but keep the tone and language respectful and professional. You may not conduct in a rude or aggressive manner towards other members of the community. Personal attack, trolling or abuse will not be tolerated.

·      Engage in an honest manner and avoid offensive content. Do not make available any content that might contribute to a hostile environment, or that is or may be construed as harassment, discrimination, defamatory or derogatory content, or otherwise may be considered inappropriate, violent, offensive, malicious, obscene, intimidating, disparaging or threatening.

·      Don’t share any confidential information. Avoid sharing any confidential, proprietary, non-public or sensitive information. If you share anything on behalf of an organization, please make sure you have all required authorizations and approvals for doing so.

·      Don’t share personal information and get appropriate consent. Refrain from providing any personal information and make sure you get consent from relevant people in relation to applicable posts. For example, if you publish any photo, video or other content that includes or refers to other people – please get their prior consent.

·      Don’t spam. Spamming, posting promotional material or posting links to third party websites is not permitted.

·      Check before you post, do not present false information. Verify the content before you share it to avoid mistakes, fraudulent, deceptive or misleading information or anything that might constitute a deceptive advertisement. Remember that you are responsible for the content you share with the Community.

·      Identify individual opinion. Make sure people understand that you share your own individual opinion and do not pretend to respond on behalf of Radware. You shall have no authority to bind Radware. Where applicable, (i) include a disclaimer according to which the views expressed are your own and do not necessarily reflect Radware’s views and opinions; (ii) maintain copyright compliance.  

2.         Deletion of Content; Refusal of Access.

·      Radware may delete any content that is published by you at any time at its sole discretion. Without derogating the generality of the foregoing, Radware may delete content or any part thereof that: (i) violates these Guidelines; (ii) solicit business; (iii) exploit the Community to compete with Radware; (iv) may damage the goodwill or reputation of Radware; (v) is not relevant to the Community; and/or (vi) is illegal, unethical or is otherwise prohibited.

·      Radware may, in its sole discretion, at any time refuse any current or future use of or access to the Community, without any liability to you. Without derogating the generality of the foregoing, Radware may refuse access in the event of violation of these Guidelines and/or the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Radware Website.

3.         Waiver.

By making any content available within the Community, including sharing any idea: (i) you waive any proprietary right with respect to such content or idea and acknowledge that Radware is entitled to freely use it commercially or otherwise, and (ii) you acknowledge Radware does not guarantee the content will be presented exactly as you posted it, and it may amend or remove it at its discretion. You shall have no claim or demand towards Radware and/or anyone on its behalf in this regard and you irrevocably waive any such claim, demand or damages.  

4.         Termination of the Community; Change of Guidelines.

Radware may change and/or update these Guidelines and/or modify, update, terminate or cancel the Community, in part or in whole, at any time at its sole discretion. If you use the Community, you are bound by such change or update to the Guidelines. Therefore, you should review these Guidelines periodically. If any change is not acceptable by you, you are not permitted to continue using the Community.


©Radware Ltd. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Last updated: September 2023.
